The Samsung Galaxy Buds/Cover By Ameer Hamza

The Samsung Galaxy Buds
Welcome to Another Day, another unboxing, these other Samsung Galaxy Budd’s plus. Yes, the new ones.
And so I wanted to unbox them and I’ll walk you through some of the differences. As you can see, they look pretty much the same as the old one. They see Samsung Galaxy buds have some stuff here. And then let’s open them up, shall we?
Dun dun it under dun the launch here. There’s a little insert inside the box.
We’ll take that out. And now we’ve got a box here and we pull out. And the actual buds are right here. Exciting. So that’s it for the box is really nothing else left in here. Let’s have a quick look at this literature.
I’m sure there’s nothing too exciting here. Let’s pull it out and see what happens. Here we go. Nothing else. We’ve got an important legal information and a quick start. Guide, package, contents, device, layout. Charging case.
And charging. And then there’s operations here in the back.
You’ve got download app, Connect, TouchPad. OK, so these are pretty much the same the last year. OK. There is a few differences and I walk you through them in a second. Let’s have a look at what’s in this box here.
There’s a whole bunch of little silicone tips here and a cable, which I’ll get out if I can. There we are, USP types.
See here to USP type, you can see, nothing too surprising. And then here is the loot of silicone tips, you can see. I’m not going to take them out. They’re pretty jammed. And there are some of these are a little circular thing, some of the even little mushroom things.
So that’s different tips for different ears. But what’s most important here are the buds themselves.
Let’s have a quick look. So they look identical to the previous generation, right.
As you can see here, it says Samsung, the notification light for pop this open the light lights up, tells me the charge level. I need to charge these. There’s some writing here on the back USP type C port the hinge.
And that’s pretty much it. There’s not too much else. So we will open them.
You can see the buds themselves are charged. There are just little labels here for left and right. You know, which are which. They’re that cool pearlescent finish just like last time.
And yeah, they look pretty damn cool. Charging pins, mushrooms, cetera. So what’s different? Well, the deal here this time is battery life. These have an incredible 11 hours of battery life.
Right. 11 hours on one charge for each of these verses 6 before.
And you get another 11 hours in the case. So it’s 22 hours total before you only got 13 hours total with the case. They charge faster. They have more microphones for better audio quality when taking calls.
And it’s a dual driver system. Now, there’s a Twitter and Wolfer basically for the audio.
So they should potentially sound better. All this 449$, just 30$ more than the originals. So that’s basically the Galaxy Budd’s plus here.
Not too much to tell you. They do support Spotify directly by tapping on various control surfaces. You need to install the app from Samsung on your phone. Bluetooth 5. That’s it. The Galaxy bots plus.
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That’s Surf Shark Dot Diehl’s slash mobile tech podcast. Thanks to Surf Shargh VPN for sponsoring the show. Stay tuned for more videos.
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