New Cassette Player Walkman Bluetooth Unboxing/Cover By Ameer Hamza

New Cassette Player Walkman Bluetooth Unboxing
Welcome to another day, another unboxing, what I have here is a cassette player like your Walkman basically called.
It’s okay. It was crowdfunded by a company in Japan and I bought it on Kickstarter. The reason I bought it is because it’s cool. It’s different. It is basically a basic cassette player Walkman, very cheap in terms of mechanism. But it does have Bluetooth.
So it’s kind of an interesting little anachronistic device because no, you know, Bluetooth didn’t exist when cassette Walkman was a thing.
So you can, of course, connect with headphones, but you can connect with Bluetooth. And the other thing it does is have a record button so you can record little voice memos. And most cassette Walkmans didn’t have recording functionality in the day.
There were some, of course, that did. But this 1 has one specifically with a microphone for doing role model voice memos. So it’s stereo in terms of playback and mono in terms of recording, and it only records to the microphone.
So this is the box, you say, says Bluetooth 5. Now, the brand securer it’s okay is the name of the product.
Are willing to the crowdfunding be lowest? You can have a lock reappearance of the romance of the 80s portable cassette in more perfection.
well translated features 3.5-millimeter jack Bluetooth 5 with on-off switch an LCD transparent cover. Built-In microphone control buttons please stop. Record Ford and rewind. It does everyone which is nice.
Very cheap mechanisms did not everyone. It has an open handle volume control wheel and it’s powered by 2 double Doubleday with a belt clip it has.
Oh, I guess maybe it is mono. It’s a classic monaural sound.
So maybe it’s not a stereo player but a mono player, which would add to the nostalgia vibe. I guess I wasn’t buying this for sound quality. I was buying this because it was cheap and it was cool, able to record warm messages.
So the messages are always warm, apparently. So you could swear and be mean, but they’ll still be warm. Individual open space. Don’t know what that means. But hey, so I had to buy this because it was just funny. And of course, what did I do?
I bought the pink one. Right. Cause I love pink. You know this.
So here we go down to the down to the packaging is basic. There is the Walkman or cassette player. There are some instructions.
It is a cassette that comes with it and you can record on or probably comes with some stuff through the record. I don’t know. We’ll find out and then that’s it. There’s like a little insert here, no cables of a kind.
So I’ll skip on the cassette, so I’ll look at the instructions. Instruction manual.
Thank you for purchasing. It’s okay. Bluetooth 5 cassette player to ensure that you get many years of enjoyment from this product.
Lalala safety instructions show you how to do the pencil of feeding the tape back in the case comes out. You can see the basic controls here. It’s a clunky thing. There we go using the Bluetooth transmitter.
So what’s it look like? Well, it’s in a bubble pack, which is kind of maybe it’s not pink. It just looked pink because of the packaging.
Now, I just want to make it clear this is pink like Taj. Hard to see in the video because white bounces a little off.
But you can see the labels are white. So that’s the contrast. So build clip, it’s removable. I’m not going to try it. This honestly feels so cheaply made right now that I don’t even know if it was molded.
It feels almost like it was 3D printed because the precision of the fit finish is very low, you can see here, like edges. It doesn’t match. I mean, what do you expect?
I think it was like something like 80 bucks, just, you know, not cheap. But look, even the finisher, there’s some imperfection in either the paint or the molding, I’m not sure.
But you slide this open to put batteries on 2 Doubleday’s and then you can remove the clip. And then here are all the controls. And of course, you can open this transparent door, and the cassette slides in here.
Let me show you that in case you’ve never seen a Walkman before, the cool-looking little cassette, it’s custom branded, which I sing, is clever and froster like that.
So what you do is you stick the cassette like this and you close it and there you go.
You’re ready to roll, right? So I don’t have batteries, unfortunately. It wasn’t well prepared. This is not about showing you this working, but the controls here are interesting. I’m going to show them to you.
So there’s a play button, a record button, which requires you to push the interlock back here to work.
There you go. So I pushed it in and then there’s a stop button A.
Play button, rewind board, a volume level right here says it’s just it’s a log volume control on microphone. And let’s see. Oh, yes. So this is where the rest of it is. So you have the Bluetooth on and off right here.
Bluetooth on and off and an operation operationally and the headphone jack. And that’s it, This is it’s OK from Japan, probably made in China.
Definitely feels almost 3D printed to me. Yeah. I don’t think they did a big batch, but it an interesting idea to make a cassette player that is Bluetooth. And looking at the tape head right now, trying to figure out if it’s stereo Amano, it looks mono.
So might just be a model player recorder. As I said, to get that nostalgia vibe. So that’s it,
I’ll still think I’m going to mention this anywhere on the podcast, but I think it’s cool.
I like cassette player is a few. Look, I’ll, uh, link to my IWA higher-end cassette player Walkman on boxing up here. I used to have Walkman in the 80s and 90s and I had some pretty high-end ones because I’m a bit of a sound freak.
So this together with maybe the DCL your buds that I just reviewed would be an interesting combo. So I’ll let you know how that works out, perhaps.
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