The Affordable Moto Edge Unboxing/Cover By Ameer Hamza

The Affordable Moto Edge Unboxing
Welcome to Another Day, another unboxing. This is the Moto edge. The Motorola edge. If you remember, I recently unbox the Moto Edge plus, which is kind of like Fawn’s more fancy flagship version. But it does mean the moto edge isn’t well phone.
It’s just a little bit more affordable as a flagship, I guess. More importantly, the Moto Edge plus is a Verizon exclusive in the US with a millimeter-wave 5.
So it’s a bit of a beast. This is half the price right now. 500 U.S. dollars instead of 1000. Now, this is a temporary price. Not sure for last, but right now, for the next little while, you’re going to be able to buy the moto actual 500$ instead of 700.
And again, edge plus is a 1000$. So it’s a big difference.
So, you know, these are very similar forms. However, half the price or what’s a change? What’s different?
Of course, unboxing it. So here’s the box is a bunch of stuff in the back, a bunch of stuff on the sides and all that. There’s an IMAX sticker here, so let’s open it up onto the dome. Protective cover inbox up. We’ve got something here.
This is nice. That means there’s a case in here. Let’s start with us. Shall we?
Oh, look at that. We get a case. We didn’t get a case with the Moto X plus. So that’s nice. I like these cheap new cases. They’re very popular with Chinese foreign manufacturers and they’re decent quality.
They’re like a flexible rubberized material. And these don’t get yellow this time.
The good ones. So this is nice to have. You can protect your phone a little bit. Notice how there’s a big cut out on the edge because this phone has this crazy edge display. That kind of waterfall’s a lot to the sides. This might be a deal-breaker for you.
I’m not a big fan myself, but I don’t hate it either, so. All right.
So then we get the phone and then we’ve got some materials. Now, this one is sold unlocked in the US and it’s still a 5G phone. But being unlocked, it basically just supports some 6 5G the 5G used by T-Mobile and AT&T right now.
So there we go. I got everything out of here. Yep. There is a similar removal tool you see here.
There is a moto edge. Read me. So, I mean, that’s probably just the intro. I’ll just show you quickly what’s on here and back, it’s in Spanish, I think. Yep. All right.
That’s it for that. And then we’ve got the warranty safety stuff nobody reads.
Then we have a charger here. I’d see. I’ll hold this up and we can maybe see what the wattage is on this. No idea, honestly. Might be 18 watts. That’s what Motor was being shipping with. Yes. B Taipei.
And then we’ve got a USP type-A 2 types C chord that goes within here.
As you can see, Taipei on one end, type C on the other. That’s it for the box. There’s nothing else in here. Let’s move on to the phone, shall we?
So here we go, Lou. Let’s see what color this phone is. Oh, it’s a little bluish purplish. Pearlescent color. Nice. So let’s turn it on. And while I do that, let’s talk about some of the features of this phone.
As you can see, the display is pretty amazing. It’s some very neat little bezzle all around. There’s a tiny little chin down here. It is a 6.7 inch, 10 AVP display, 90 hertz.
So 10 ATP 6.7 inch and 90 hertz display the same display the 1000$ moto edge. Plus, that’s a deal.
As you can see, it curves around quite a bit. Right. That’s a lot of curves right here. Let me show you on the other side, you see it well here. It’s a lot of curving. Now you can turn off the edges and turn this into a 21 by nine display if you want.
I think by default, it’s a 19.5 by 9 display.
And it’s I’m all that, of course, is in the display. Fingerprint sensor. The front camera is the same the moto edge. Plus, it’s a 25 megapixel F over 2 point O with point nine-micron pixels. It’s fine. I believe it does.
Pixel beaning doesn’t support Forcier video though, which is a bummer.
And then the big difference between this foam and the edge plus is that of course, the edge plus is the Snapdragon 865.
This is a Snapdragon 765G. So it’s a pretty good, pretty fast chip, but it’s not quite as fast as the 865. But frankly, the only time you’ll notice is when you’re playing games or something really intense.
Like I just reviewed the one plus Naude, which is a Snapdragon 765 GCM chip.
But this phone and honestly, you can’t tell the difference between that and a flagship. So your mileage may vary here because Moto might not optimize the software nearly much. The nice thing about this is it’s Android 10.
It is very pure. Moto really likes to not bloat their android, which is really good.
All right, let’s turn it over and have a look at the back because. Wow, fingerprint magnet. Check it out.
So there’s a bunch of cameras back here, and that’s the same setup as we saw on the Moto X. Plus, there’s only one change and that’s the main camera instead of being 108 megapixels.
It’s a 64-megapixel camera. So that’s the only big difference.
So 64 megapixels F over 1.8.8 micron pixels. It does quad pixel beaning. So you get a 16-megapixel photo with 1.6-micron pixels out of that. Then there’s an 8-megapixel telephoto. 2 times optical zoom F over 2.4 with 1.1, 2micron pixels.
And then you have a 16 megapixel F over 2.2 ultra-wide with 1-micron pixels and a time of flight sensor 3D, a depth sensor.
And of course, for K.V., your recording is supported here. There’s a flash.
You can see the Moto logo looks pretty nice. It’s a little thinner than the moto edge plus, but not by much because it doesn’t have the millimeter wave antennas that required for a variety of networks. So it’s five G, but low band T-Mobile Niching T Compatible.
There’s a pretty large battery in here. 4500 million power.
That’s a little smaller than the 5000 million power on the Moto X plus. But not deal considering you’re not doing millimeter-wave 5G on this should be fine. The other thing to keep in mind is that there is no wireless charging on this phone.
It supports up to H. And what wire charging. But the edge plus had wireless charging.
In return, though, you get micro SD support on this phone, which was lacking on the edge, plus so you can expand it. And speaking of memory.
This comes into variances. A 4 gigabytes of RAM, 128 gigabytes of storage, any 60 give out a RAM 128 gigabytes of storage in us. we get the 6-gigabyte version, which is good because 6 gigabytes is pretty much a bare minimum these days for RAM.
I don’t know how this phone would be with 4 gigabytes.
I don’t think you’d be very good. So that’s basically it. Let me quickly walk you through the edges so you can see the layout there is on the right.
Inside here, a volume rocker. Up here and a power locking. Do you see them? They’re very thin because they’re a little below half of the edge. Then on the bottom, you have a speaker. This hysteria, speakers. It uses the earpiece a stereo speaker up there.
Then there’s U.S. B, type C, and of course, the primary microphone and a headphone jack.
Big news plus has your headphone jack. On the left-hand side, you see nothing. And then on top here, you’ve got the SIM train, which is for micro SD and the secondary mike.
That’s basically the layout on this phone. That’s it. I’m looking forward to using it and tell you how much less of a phone experience you get for half the price because I really don’t think it’s going to be half the experience.
The Edge plus was a good phone, but it wasn’t that good. So I think this is going to come very close for half the price, at least for the time being, until the regular price of 700$ comes back.
So check it out. I’ll have a review at some point.
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Tell your friend and all that good stuff. That’s it, Stay tuned for another article soon. And until then, this is the moto edge. Cheers, everybody.