The Apple Watch SE Review/Cover By Ameer Hamza

The Apple Watch SE Review
Welcome to another day, another unboxing, what I’ve got here is the Apple Watch SC This is the 40-millimeter version. As you can see here, it’s a gold one. And it comes with the plum loop. The sport loop, I think. So let’s check this out, shall we? Here we go.
I’m going to pull this news like that and we’re going to go pull this loose like that. And here we go.
Or let’s flip this over since we’re not looking at it.
Quite right. There we are. That’s pretty cool. So you got the watch here and the band here, and that’s it for this little package that holds everything together. So let’s look at the watch real quick. Got a bunch of numbers here again.
So I’m going to just pull this tab and we’ll go from there. Whew. It’s unsealed now. And there’s another tab over here.
So are. And. Sure. There it is, designed by Apple in California. There’s some documentation in here. Specifically, we’ve got. 1, open your bandbox to put the ban on the Apple Watch.
Three, open the app watch app. And then you know how to charge. And here is some information, basics. And then there is the warranty card. And, of course, we get the charger here in this box. That’s a lot easier. So here’s the cable with the magnetic charger.
This is what Apple’s been using for a while. This is why it’s charging, but unfortunately not 100 percent Chey compliant, but it’s based on that. And it comes to a USP type, a cable. And of course, you have supplied your own AC adapter was no big deal.
Then we’ve got the watch itself. There it is, really small. If I can remove this without breaking anything like that today. Here it is. Apple Watch. Wow. It’s really small and beautiful.
So there it is firing up. And, of course, you know, I’m going to set this up. This is just an unboxing. So while it’s doing that, let’s have a look at the band here, which I have to peel the label off. Woo! So here we go. I’m just going to pull this open and pull this out.
Apple Watch. And there is the loop, this, to be clear, is Plum Sport Loop.
So this is what it looks like. And there’s a bunch of instructions here. Some leave all this up for you. Got a little tab here and we’ll need to pull it up. There we go.
Now we can remove it. And it’s Velcro, which is really cool. Now, let’s bring the watch back, and let’s put it together, shall we? Here’s the watch. And here is the band. It’s pretty cool.
There are instructions. So this is what is supposed to be like. So I’m going to try to follow that.
All right. So we’ve got the band here and we want this to be like that with the crown being at the top. So I think it slides in like this.
And like that. And that’s it. Look at that. Here we are. It’s very cool. You can adjust. Velcro.
So that’s it. That’s the 40 millimeters. Watch E from Apple and Gold with the Plum Band. Hope you enjoyed this unboxing. Stay tuned. you have more content soon. Till then, subscribe like tell your friends the notification bell below.
Comment below if you have something you’d like to ask.
I want to know what you think of this watch. Is it worth at 279$? Would you spend more money on the Apple Watch?
Six or maybe less money on the older Apple Watch Series three? Well, let me know for sure.
And stay tuned. I’ll have a review article at some point for you folks. And until then, cheers, everybody.